Thursday, April 14, 2011

What Congress would look like if it really represented us

Provided by Good magazine
It's only April, but 2011 is already looking like a bleak year for women, minorities, and working class people.

Since Republicans took control of the House of Representatives, they have proposed cuts to collective bargaining rights and funding for family planning centers and early childcare programs.

Predictably, these Republican efforts disproportionately hurt women, people of color, and the poor.

I could continue to blame Republicans for all of our society's ills -- and I probably will -- but there are other factors.

The above graph shows us what our current Congress looks like and what they would look like if they were demographically representative of our nation. 

While this graph shows us what our current Congress looks like, it's safe to say that previous Congresses have also been overwhelmingly comprised of white men.

Good magazine also notes that while the average American's net worth is $96,000, the average net worth of a U.S. senator is $13.6 million. The net worth of a House member is slightly closer to that of an average American, at $5 million.

Now, demographics certainly aren't everything, and I wouldn't advise anyone to elect officials solely based on their gender, skin color, bank account, golfing skills, etc.

But it would be nice if we started electing people who reflect who we are -- as long as they are willing to stand up for us against the status quo.

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